Features & Benefits
- Technology: Far-field / Spherical with oversampling
- Frequency Range: 18GHz – 110GHz
- Maximum Size of DUT: 45cm
- Maximum Mass of DUT: 10kg on the mast
- Typical Dynamic Range: 50db
Measurement Capabilities (Passive & Active)
- Gain
- Directivity
- Efficiency
- Beamwidth
- Cross Polar Discrimination
- Sidelobe Levels
- 3D Radiation Pattern
- Radiation Pattern in any Polarization
- 5G Communications Equipment
- Mobile Communications Devices
- Research and Development
- Radar Systems
Self-Contained Portable System
Compact and portable, the ETH-MMW-1000 frees up space in laboratories and production environments. The system integrates its Gigahertz Control Unit, Measurement PC and Vector Network Analyzer/Radiocom tester. Easily installed into a new or existing construction, the portable chassis can be relocated within a test facility.
Accurate and Cost Effective Far-Field Measurement System
The ETH-MMW-1000 includes a distributed axis positioning system, consisting of:
- An azimuth mast rotator for rotating the DUT about the Phi axis
- A theta ring positioner for elevating the measurement Horns around the DUT.
Each measurement bandwidth is covered by dedicated paths (High Performance RF cables, rectangular waveguides, measurement Horns), associated with a common amplification stage. The fully anechoic enclosure provides a shielded environment over a very wide frequency range (from 18 GHz to 110 GHz) and ensures stable measurement results.
The millimeter measurement system is a flexible turn-key solution, ideal for all testing needs for mmWave system development and validation, including: 5G communications devices, mobile communications devices, and research and development.
The system is supplied with the complete antenna software suite, including:
- Antenna Measurement (Measurement Control and Data Acquisition)
- Antenna Viewer (Post-processing and tabular/graphical data output)