Active Steering™ Smart Antenna Technology

More Range

Beam steering in very small

More Reliability

More Stable Connectivity

More Speed

Multiple dynamic radiation

More Efficiency

Single antenna / RF
performs as 4 antennas

Enhancing SINR by 2-3dB Across Wireless Applications

KYOCERA AVX Active Steering™ smart antenna systems portfolio boosts wireless connectivity significantly. The patented technology continually optimizes the antenna’s direction in real-time on a per millisecond basis, creating multiple radiation patterns around the same antenna and then smartly selects the ideal pattern to hit its targeted device with best signal. The result is a major increase in range, reliability and speed between devices living on the fringes of a network or hidden behind walls and hard-to-reach spaces.

Real-time performance optimization via
adaptation of antenna modes / radiation patterns
4+ unique radiation patterns per antenna
with per-device / per-packet optimization
Up to 3dB (2x) link gain =
higher data rate + greater coverage

See Our Technology In Action

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