Reliability of SuperCapacitors: Unique Performance at 85°C & Self-Balancing (Part 1)

Reliability of SuperCapacitors: Unique Performance at 85°C & Self-Balancing (Part 1)
Written By: Eric DeRose | Bob Knopsnyder | Bharat Rawal
Increasing use of supercapacitors on printed circuit boards (PCBs) is requiring a further understanding of the reliability of these components. As the use of these types of devices increases, the emphasis on reliability will become critical as sub-ppm failure rates are critical for minimizing and, in fact, eliminating rework of the PCBs in these applications. A broader understanding of the reliability of these devices will assist in reaching this goal. In this first of many publications, a study of our supercapacitor modules tested at 85°C at various applied voltages, at or below the rated voltage, will demonstrate the impact of voltage on reliability.